Komposisi dan Dinamika Sampah Laut di Kawasan Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo, Surabaya
Composition and Dynamics of Marine Debris in the Wonorejo Mangrove Ecotourism Area, Surabaya
Dampak Sampah pada Mangrove, Edukasi Kesadaran Lingkungan, Konservasi Mangrove, Muson dan Arus Laut, Pengelolaan Sampah Laut, Environmental Education and Awareness, Impact of Debris on Mangroves, Mangrove Conservation, Marine Debris Management, Monsoons and Ocean CurrentsAbstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh muson dan arus laut terhadap distribusi dan komposisi sampah di kawasan Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo, Surabaya. Dengan menggunakan metode survei garis pantai di lima lokasi penelitian, data sampah dikumpulkan pada Maret, Mei, dan September 2024. Analisis terfokus pada pengukuran jumlah dan berat sampah terutama plastik, karet, kain, dan bahan lainnya. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa sampah plastik adalah yang paling dominan, mencapai 95,33% dari total berat sampah pada September, sedangkan pada bulan Maret dan Mei, jumlahnya juga sangat tinggi. Lonjakan signifikan dalam sampah karet tercatat pada Mei, kemungkinan disebabkan oleh kegiatan rekreasi yang meningkat selama musim liburan. Pola perubahan sampah menunjukkan bahwa muson barat (Desember-Maret) yang membawa curah hujan tinggi menyebabkan peningkatan akumulasi sampah di pantai, terutama plastik dan karet, karena aliran permukaan yang membawa sampah dari daratan ke pesisir. Sebaliknya, pada muson timur (Juni-September), yang umumnya lebih kering, terjadi penurunan jumlah sampah yang terakumulasi, terutama plastik, karena arus laut yang bergerak menjauh dari pantai mengurangi penumpukan sampah di pesisir. Mangrove berperan penting sebagai filter alami, menangkap dan mengurangi sampah yang masuk ke ekosistem pesisir. Berdasarkan temuan ini, disarankan peningkatan fasilitas pengelolaan sampah dan edukasi publik tentang pengurangan penggunaan plastik sekali pakai untuk mengurangi dampak negatif sampah pada ekosistem mangrove.
This study was conducted to understand the influence of monsoons and ocean currents on the distribution and composition of waste in the Wonorejo Mangrove Ecotourism, Surabaya. Using a shoreline survey method at five locations, waste data was collected in March, May, and September 2024. The analysis focused on measuring the amount and weight of waste, especially plastic, rubber, cloth, and other materials. The results showed that plastic waste was the most dominant, reaching 95.33% of the total weight of waste in September, while in March and May, the amount was also very high. A significant spike in rubber waste was recorded in May, possibly due to increased recreational activities during the holiday season. The pattern of waste changes showed that the west monsoon (December-March) which brought high rainfall caused an increase in the accumulation of waste on the beach, especially plastic and rubber, due to surface flow carrying waste from the mainland to the coast. Conversely, in the east monsoon (June-September), which is generally drier, there was a decrease in the amount of accumulated waste, especially plastic, because the ocean current moving away from the coast reduced the accumulation of waste on the coast. Mangroves play an important role as natural filters, capturing and reducing waste that enters the coastal ecosystem. Based on these findings, it is recommended to improve waste management facilities and public education on reducing the use of single-use plastics to reduce the negative impact of waste on the mangrove ecosystem.
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