Aspek Biologi Hasil Tangkapan Ikan Pari (Mobula Thurstoni) yang Didaratkan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (Ppp) Muncar

Biological Aspects Of Ray Catch (Mobula thurstoni) Landed in Muncar Coastal Fishing Port


  • Naufal Hilda Bahtiar Brawijaya University
  • Tri Djoko Lelono Brawijaya University
  • Muhammad Arif Rahman Brawijaya University
  • Hanifa Ramadhani Brawijaya University
  • Tawang Firmansyah Mobula Project Indonesia
  • Hasan Syaiful Rizal Mobula Project Indonesia



Ikan Pari (Mobula thurstoni), Aspek biologi, Muncar, Biological Aspects, Ray (Mobula thurstoni)


Mobula thurstoni merupakan spesies elasmobranch termasuk kedalam famili mobulidae yang sering tertangkap sebagai tangkapan sampingan di PPP Muncar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualititatif. Analisis data kualitatif diperoleh melalui identifikasi spesies ikan pari dan jenis kelaminnya, sedangkan analisis data kuantitatif diperoleh melalui pengambilan data panjang dan berat ikan pari. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli – Agustus 2022 di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (PPP) Muncar, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui aspek biologi meliputi; hubungan lebar dan berat, nisbah kelamin, dan frekuensi lebar ikan pari (Mobula thurstoni). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian hubungan lebar dan berat setalah dilakukan juga uji-t menunjukkan hasil Thitung > Ttabel (3,56 > 2,20) menunjukkan hasil alometrik negatif (b = 2,53), berarti pertambahan beratnya lebih lambat dari pertambahan lebarnya. Nisbah kelamin jantan dan betina sebesar 1:0,63 dengan uji Chi-square X2hitung > X2tabel (0,69 > 2,18), maka tidak terdapat perbedaan jenis kelamin yang signifikan. Frekuensi lebar terendah antara 71 – 90 cm dan frekuensi lebar tertinggi antara 147 – 166 cm dengan modus antara 109 – 128.


Mobula thurstoni is a species of elasmobranch belonging to the family Mobulidae which is often caught as by-catch in the Muncar Coastal Fishing Port. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative and qualitative. Qualitative data analysis is obtained by identifying the ray species and their gender, while quantitative data analysis is obtained by collecting data on the length and weight of the ray. This research was conducted in July – August 2022 at the Muncar Coastal Fishing Port, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java. The research aims to discover the biological aspects including; the relationship between width and weight, sex ratio, and width frequency of ray (Mobula thurstoni). Based on the results of the study on the relationship between width and weight, after the t-test was also carried out, the results of Tcount > Ttable (3.56 > 2.20) showed negative allometric results (b = 2.53), meaning that the weight gain was slower than the increase in width. The male and female sex ratio was 1:0.63 with the Chi-square test X2count > X2table (0.69 > 2.18), so there was no significant difference in sex ratio. The lowest frequency is between 71 – 90 cm and the highest is between 147 – 166 cm with the mode frequency between 109 – 128.

Author Biography

Tri Djoko Lelono, Brawijaya University

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science


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